Chasing Cosby Podcast Review

Chasing Cosby is a heartbreaking and gripping podcast about comedian superstar and serial sexual abuser Bill Cosby.

The Los Angeles Times has produced some awesome podcasts such as Room 20, Man in the Window, Larger Than Life, and of course critically acclaimed Dirty John. Chasing Cosby might just be the best one yet.

Nicki Weisensee Egan, who has been covering Cosby for 15 years and has even written a book, hosts the podcast perfectly. Honestly, a podcast host can make or break the experience for me, and Egan is truly great. It may be that her passion and expertise bleeds through the audio.

In Chasing Cosby, 14 women share their experiences with Cosby. They aren’t censored and they pull no punches. It is hard to listen to at times, but it needs to be heard. Until you hear the stories, you have no idea. Cosby was a monster and he used his power until the day he got convicted.

It might just be me but I honestly downplayed Cosby. I had no idea how manipulative, scary, and sickening he was. The podcast does a great job telling you much of a monster he is.

Throughout the six episodes, the 14 women tell you how Cosby tricked them, lied to them, and used his charm to drug and assault them. The stories are heartbreaking and scary. There is a story where one of the women told Cosby she was sick. Cosby gives her an “antihistamine”, which turns out to be a Quaalude and he continues to rape her. Heartbreaking.

If you like true crime podcasts, check out Chasing Cosby. You will not regret it.


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